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Study: Radicalized Muslims Have Little Actual Knowledge Of Islam...

Extremists and Islamophobes alike have attempted to paint violent factions within Islam as the true expression of the faith. But a new study gives credence to what countless Muslim leaders, activists and scholars have argued: that groups like the self-proclaimed Islamic State are Muslim in name alone. A group of German scholars at the Universities of Bielefeld and Osnabrück analyzed 5,757 WhatsApp messages found on a phone seized by police following a terrorist attack in the spring of 2016. The messages were exchanged among 12 young men involved in the attack. The attack itself was not identified in the report. Deutsche Welle noted that the timeframe suggested it may have been a bombing at a Sikh temple in...

Study: Radicalized Muslims Have Little Actual Knowledge Of Islam
posted on: Jul 19, 2017 | author: Islam Information Center

Why Islam Is The World’s Fastest-Growing Religion...

While the global population is expected to grow 32 percent by 2060, the number of Muslims is expected to grow 70 percent, according to the Pew Research Center. In the second half of this century, the number of Muslims is projected to surpass the number of Christians around the world. Interview Highlights On why the global Muslim population is growing so rapidly “Muslims are the youngest major religious group in the world. They have a median age of 24. And Muslims have more children than people in any other group. About three children per woman who’s Muslim, compared to about 2.2 children per woman who’s not Muslim in the world.” “People of course do change religious faiths, and...

Why Islam Is The World’s Fastest-Growing Religion
posted on: Jul 19, 2017 | author: Islam Information Center

Islam Requires Muslims to Protect Christians...

Five years ago, I lost close friends in one of the most gruesome terrorist attack on Pakistani soil. In twin attacks on two Mosques in Lahore, 88 Ahmadi Muslim worshippers were killed at the hands of the Taliban. It was a painfully bloody day. This last weekend, I woke up to sad news from Pakistan that made me relive some of that pain. Fourteen worshipers were killed, and more than 70 were injured, when two Taliban suicide bombers blew themselves up outside churches in the Youhanabad neighborhood of Lahore, Pakistan. These attacks on Pakistan’s Christian community are not a sporadic event. They are a part of a very tragic trend. Just over a year ago, another suicide attack...

Islam Requires Muslims to Protect Christians
posted on: Apr 8, 2015 | author: Islam Information Center

Poll: Most Americans Say Islam is Peaceful...

By Cheryl K. Chumley – The Washington Times – Wednesday, February 4, 2015 Iowa caucus-goers taking part in a poll said Islam, by and large, is a peaceful religion — and that finding has some Muslims shocked, particularly with Republicans. The Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa Poll showed that 53 percent of Republicans and 81 percent of Democrats think Islam is a peaceful religion — and only 39 percent of GOPers and 13 percent of Democrats see it is as inherently violent. Basim Bakri, 54, who moved from Jordan to Iowa 30 years ago, said he’s surprised especially that so few Republicans labeled the Muslim faith as violent because so many in the party seem to have a...

Poll: Most Americans Say Islam is Peaceful
posted on: Mar 4, 2015 | author: Islam Information Center

Claiming ISIS is Islam Like Claiming the KKK Represents Christianity...

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has likened comparisons of Isis representing Islam as no different to describing the Ku Klux Klan as “Christian knights”. The retired NBA star, who converted from Roman Catholicism to Islam at university, appeared on US V show Morning Joe on Monday. Asked by host Mika Brzezinski what he thought really drove the militant group, he said: “It’s a play for money and power, and these people try to impose their will on people so people will listen to them, and they can be in charge. That’s all it’s about. They’ve taken on a fascist attitude and a fascist approach to everything. You do what we say or you die.” “You can make parallels to things that...

Claiming ISIS is Islam Like Claiming the KKK Represents Christianity
posted on: Mar 4, 2015 | author: Islam Information Center

Muslims in Brazil

Muhammad Mumtaz Brazil, a country of 200 million people, is well known for its leading economy in the world. It is famed for its diversity in culture, people, faith, religions and much more. The constitution of Brazil adopted a secular government system, where people are free to choose and practice their religions. There is no official religion in Brazil; majority of Brazilian follow Roman Catholicism. Various other religions, including Islam, are also practiced in the country. Islam is one of the earliest religions in Brazil. It is believed that the earliest significant Muslim presence was the result of African slaves in the 16th century. In the 19th century, a large number of immigrants traveled to Brazil from the...

Muslims in Brazil
posted on: Mar 25, 2014 | author: Islam Information Center

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